Impressos | Títulos

Daihatsu | Banks Hoggins O’Shea

Para quem visita o blog à procura de bons títulos, confira o anúncio criado para a marca de carros Daihatsu. Finalista no The One Show de 1997.


Agência: Banks Hoggins O’Shea London
Criação: Richard Dennison e Markham Smith

Opinião | Dicas

Save The Word

Este texto é uma iniciativa para salvar a palavra. 

Foi escrito pelo diretor de criação da Ogilvy India, Titus Upputuru.
É um convite para todos os redatores aderirem ao movimento.

Publico em inglês para não cometer crimes na tradução. 

Mas você pode usar um tradutor online. Fique a vontade.

O texto é de 2006.
Dê a sua opinião. Compartilhe.

Save The Word


This letter is from one Copywriter to another.

I was going through the results of the award shows this year and was saddened to notice a death.

The Word has almost disappeared.

In most ads, there are just one or two. (There are a few exceptions though, and the outdoor Grand Prix at Cannes gives me hope.)

In many, there are none at all.

I was wondering what happened to the Copywriter.

When did we stop writing Copy? And when I say Copy I do not mean the long copy masterpiece that we all set out to make at least once in our lifetime.

When was the last time we wrote a good, full-bodied headline, even? Was it because the Client had rejected the picture-only ad so many times that we had no option left but to do a headline ad?

This email is an initiative to ‘Save The Word’.

If you would like to join this movement, contribute by doing the following:

1) Do your next five ads or campaigns with headlines, irrespective of brand guidelines.

2) Pick an old One Show/D&ADA Annual and photocopy copy-led ads and paste them up all over the agency.

3) Dnt wrt lke ths.

4) If you are a Creative Director, ask your writers to show a headline, with every visual-led ad that they show.

5) Hire writers who have at least ten headlines in their portfolio.

6) Spread the word. Send this email to all the copywriters you know.

You can add more to the list.

The only way, we are going to Save The Word is by getting together and ensuring that we see more Copy in the media. For that to happen, this email needs to find legs and travel far and wide. So, please forward this to as many Copywriters in the world as you can. Please do cc to me, so I know how many Copywriters are out there who still love Copy.


Titus Upputuru
New Delhi, India

Fonte: ihaveanidea.
Clique aqui e veja o Grand Prix citado no texto.

Impressos | Títulos

Sony | Age.

Anúncio criado pela Age. para a Sony em 2003.
O título é do Carlos Domingos. O que dispensa comentários. Confira.
